From its very first notes in 2004, early music ensemble Vox Luminis has claimed the international spotlight with its unique sound. Founder, artistic director and bass Lionel Meunier composed the ensemble in such a way that each voice can shine solo as well as merge into one luminous fabric of sound.

Depending on the repertoire, this core of vocalists is flanked by an extensive continuo, solo instruments, or its full orchestra. That repertoire comprises mainly English, Italian and German music from the 17th and early 18th century, from virtuoso masterpieces to yet untouched gems that are given full scope both at some 70 concerts a year and in recordings.

Vox Luminis’ mission is clear: to bring vocal music to a wide audience, with excellence as its guiding principle and touchstone. Concerts, recordings, workshops with audiences around the world and a rigorous working method are means to this end.

The magic of Vox Luminis has not escaped the international music scene and press. In 2012, the ensemble won the Baroque Vocal Award and the prestigious Recording of the Year at the Gramophone Classical Music Awards for Schütz’s Musikalische Exequien. Seven years later, the Choral Award from the same professional magazine for the recording Buxtehude: Abendmusiken followed. Meanwhile, the trophy cabinet filled up with awards such as ‘Klara Ensemble of the Year 2018’, a 2018 BBC Music Magazine Award in the category ‘Choral’, numerous Diapasons d’Or, the 2020 Caecilia Prize and the Preis der Deutschen Schalplattenkritik, the last one being awarded even several times.

Vox Luminis is artist in residence at Concertgebouw Brugge and at the Abbaye Musicale de Malonne (Namur). In 2021, it started a structural and lasting partnership with the prestigious Freiburger Barockorchester and the Freiburger BarockConsort for several projects per year.
The ensemble is also a welcome guest at major concert halls and festivals worldwide, including Bozar and Flagey in Brussels, De Singel Antwerp, Auditorio Nacional en Teatro Real Madrid, L’Auditori and Palau de la Musica Barcelona, Salle Gaveau and Auditorium de Radio France in Paris, Wigmore Hall London, Philharmonie Berlin and Cologne, Laeiszhalle and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Lincoln Center New York, Jordan Hall Boston, Zaryadye Hall Moscow, Festival van Vlaanderen, Festival de Wallonie, Festival de Saintes, Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht, Musikfest Bremen, Bachfest Leipzig, Klangvokal Dortmund, the Salzburger Festspiele, Aldeburgh Festival et Boston Early Music Festival, amongst others.

Vox Luminis celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2024. To mark the occasion, the ensemble created a programme entitled Et resurrexit, which toured internationally, and released an anniversary CD box set with Ricercar.

Vox Luminis moreover collaborated with American composer Caroline Shaw, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Music and several Grammys, to perform a creation in the context of the Thüringer Bachwochen. A world premiere!

During the 2024-2025 season, Vox Luminis is maintaining its collaborations with the Freiburger Barockorchester and the Freiburger BarockConsort, and will present varied repertoires in various formats such as Vox Luminis XL or with its own orchestra – which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2024.

Vox Luminis enjoys the valued support of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB) and Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI).

« Vox Luminis tiene la virtud de convertir en oro
todo cuanto toca. »
El País


In 2014, Lionel Meunier took the initiative to set up his own orchestra and explore new repertoire. Work is done without a conductor, but with a number of strong musical personalities at key positions in the orchestra. The Finnish violinist Tuomo Suni is a fixed asset and leads the orchestra as first violin. Since then, Vox Luminis has been successful in performing a number of top baroque works. The productions of Purcell’s King Arthur and The Fairy Queen also received a number of rave reviews.


Over the last few years, Vox Luminis contours have broadened to some extent. In 2022, Vox Luminis XL was created in response to an artistic desire to embody programmes of variable geometry, and also to meet a demand for larger productions.

“When there’s no conductor imposing their will, a group of really fine performers like this soon learns
to feel and breathe as one.”

The Telegraph


Are you interested in joining Vox Luminis? Please, let us know via auditions@voxluminis.com.
There are currently no auditions planned in the future, but we will be glad to keep you informed as soon as we announce new audition dates.

copyright 2021 - created by M&n